 IO 5 – Video Guide – Transcript of the videos Video 2 – User Creation Hello, welcome back to the FFOED video guide. In the previous video, the login details were presented. If you do not remember the details, feel free to use the following general login details. These are not working? Contact me through chalupa@ucp.cz, and I will set up everything for you. To make the rest of the learning path more effective, use these login details to access the system. The login is predefined to English, but you can create your account with personalised log in details and switch the system language to the one you prefer. So stop the video and log in! Great, you are in! Let’s create your account. Go to Settings, Users and choose the Users option. The second option, the “roles”, defines the operations rights of the users. You will be the manager to see the full functionality of the PMS without any limitations. When working in Front-Office, your rights will be limited. But it’s always helpful to see the complete picture of the functionality. After clicking on the “Users” option, you will see the complete list of the PMS users within the property. To add a new one, click on the green plus sign in the left top corner. Starting with your details, you can add your name and email address which will be used for further communication with you. Then, you can choose the manager role and switch the interface language to the preferred one. There is the 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) option, but this option should not be enabled for training purposes with demo data. Lastly, you have to set your password. Remember that the password must be at least eight characters long and contain at least one letter and one number. Great, we are nearly there! Just one last thing. Choose the hotel you want to work with. On top of the screen is a section called “Available hotels”. Choose just Chateau Bohnice. And that is that! You have your own account and are ready to start your journey with Previo.  See you in the next video!