 IO 5 – Video Guide – Transcript of the videos Video 11 – Significant dates Hello, welcome back to the FFOED video guide. Lastly, we encountered closures in the reservation calendar while mentioning the creation of the significant dates. To create these dates, you can go to the settings menu option, and the second menu option from the bottom is the Significant dates. A new window will appear by clicking this option, and you can create the data entry through the green plus button. To create the data entry, you should fill in the name of the event (date) and choose the category of the events, which might be national holidays, local events, or others. The type of the event reflects the periodicity of the event (Periodic or one-time). For periodic events, the yearly, weekly and monthly options are available with the specification of the period. In most cases, the onetime events are used, whereas the starting and terminating dates are used only. The last option is the note, which stores any crucial information about the event that should be shared with the team members. After filling in all the data, the event will appear in the list of significant dates, and at the same time, the colour underground will appear in the calendar for the selected dates. After hovering over the dates, the information about the event will appear and might be easily used by the front office staff. We have created several data entries so that we can focus on reservation management next time. See you in the following video.