 IO 5 – Video Guide – Transcript of the videos Video 12 – Housekeeping and Deffects visualization Hello, welcome back to the FFOED video guide. In the previous video, we created the reservations and managed significant dates or room closures. When the client is accommodated, there is a presumption that the room was cleaned. In the basic version of the Previo, there is a limited option to manage the housekeeping processes, but in this Pro version, we can easily see the current housekeeping status of the room or the currently processed defects and maintenance. Let’s check the first reservations calendar and the first room, 105. There is a red hoover icon, which showcases the “untidy” status of the room and a warning icon, which notifies the staff about the defect linked to the room. When clicking the hoover icon, you can easily change the status of the room. There are four basic statuses. The first one is untidy, used to call for a room cleaning. In this case, the guests should not be accommodated as there is the possibility of significantly decreasing satisfaction. Another status is clean, where only the room might be occupied in this status. The inspection status is used when the room is cleaned, but someone enters the room without staying. The front office staff or housekeeping staff should check the room and the quality of the cleaning. In the reservations calendar, the question mark is used to highlight this status. Lastly, there is an option to use check-up cleaning after a predefined period when the room is not occupied. When clicking the warning icon, you are moved to the defects overview with a predefined filter for a specific room. You can filter based on the predefined categories or add another defect at this stage. When adding the defect, you are choosing the room, type of the defect, assigned person and receiver of the report, the status, which will be later changed and the description of the defect. Using an assigned person will allow you to benefit from the tasks and notification of the users, who will directly see the new tasks after the defect is added to the PMS and the user is logged in. Lastly, you can also add photos of the defects for better specification.  You can also use the web-based housekeeping app Previo provided to add defects. This will allow you to use your smartphone to take photos or make the description using the voicecontrolled options. There is a separate section for housekeeping settings, let’s check that one in another video. See you in the following video.