 IO 5 – Video Guide – Transcript of the videos Video 17 – Reservation – Deposit Payment Hello, welcome back to the FFOED video guide. We have the reservation with the issued Proforma Invoice for deposit payment. We need the client to pay the predefined amount or the whole stay. At this stage, the client received the email with the proforma invoice. It is beneficial to have the template email to save a small amount of processing time and create a follow-up scheme to control the payments and notify the client of the missing payment. After the payment of the proforma invoice, you will be notified by the accounts or finance team member, and there will be a need to administer the payment in the system and create the payment confirmation. Go back to the reservation and the account tab. You can see the payments overview on the right-hand side in the documents and payments section. Click on the green plus button and select the type of payment. In our case, bank transfer was the preferred payment method. The new dialogue will open, and the Proforma Invoice will be automatically loaded. For every payment, a document needs to be assigned. Next to the document, you can see the remaining amount to be paid. You can also choose the type of payment, the income or expense. Then you need to define the payment amount, which will be predefined if the document was previously issued, and lastly, you can change the payment method. If needed, there is room for additional notes and descriptions. Now, you can click on the save. You will be asked if you wish to issue an Advance Payment Document, for which you have two options. The first one is only saving the payment, where you will need to issue the Advance Payment Document additionally in the next steps. Or you can directly issue the ADV, which is a preferred option. So choose this one. A new dialogue was opened, as you can see that you are editing another document. The overview is nearly the same as the Proforma Invoice, and we will take the same steps. Starting with merging the items into one aggregate deposit item and confirming the payment amount. In our case, the 5000 korunas. Everything else was loaded from the other documents and payments, so you can just control and confirm the data. To save the payment and the document, choose the option save, including payment. If you pick the option to Save only, the payment will not be registered in the room account, and you will end with the proforma invoice and payment confirmation without payment being processed.  This will create a difference in the saldo of the account, which will need proper resolution. The upcoming document will not consider missing payment and will end with the missing part of the account balance. The deposit payment should have three inputs in the reservation account. The proforma invoice, the payment and the advanced payment document. The lastly created document should be shared with the client to ensure proper payment and information handling. You can follow the same procedure as for the proforma invoice. This procedure is suitable when the hotel is not using the online payment getaway or Alfred concierge app. In these cases, there is a different and more convenient way of asking the client for the deposit payment or reservation guarantee. We will take a look at this functionality in the following video. See you in the following video.