 IO 5 – Video Guide – Transcript of the videos Video 18 – Ask-for-payment Automation Hello, welcome back to the FFOED video guide. We have the reservation with the issued Proforma Invoice for deposit payment. We need the client to pay the predefined amount or the whole stay. Thanks to the other applications available by the system provider and the possibility of handling online payments, we can use the power of technology to increase our efficiency. Let’s open the previously created reservation and move to the account section. There is the pre-created proforma invoice for 5000 korunas. The payment section has the green plus icon and the payment prescription icon. We can click the second one, which is currently red, and no prescription has been created. Before opening the new dialogue, the reservation must be saved. The dialogue for sending emails with payment or guarantee requests is now open, and you can specify the payment details. Firstly, define the payment amount and set the currency for payment. The expiration date highlights the day when the last opportunity to pay the requested guarantee is. After this date, the payment will not be available. Then you specify the client email, which is directly loaded from the system, and the language for the template in the system settings. Based on the system settings, you can pick the preferred payment method, in this case, the payment card, to guarantee the reservation of the bank transfer. If set up in the system settings, you can allow the clients to pay the whole reservation amount at this stage and give them a suitable discount. The hotel management manages this. On the right-hand side, you can define additional actions of the system. The first two options are for the successful deposit payment. The system can automatically send the confirmation and accommodation voucher and change the reservation status to confirmed. When the payment was not processed or was unsuccessful, the system directly sent the cancellation letter to the client and switched the reservation status to cancelled. The last thing you can do is update the email; again, this will be created by the hotel management. By saving the setting, the system automatically sends the message to a specific email, and the client can process the payment via online payment getaway or bank transfer.  After saving the procedure, you can see that the icon is green. After clicking the icon, you can see the current status of the payment. You can see all the details previously created in a very comprehensive way. The next steps are directly mentioned in the request creation, and you should only control and verify the entries. It is faster, but you need to adopt more of the tools from the system provider. In the next video, we will finish with account management and switch the reservation status to check-out status. See you in the following video.