 IO 5 – Video Guide – Transcript of the videos Video 19 – Invoicing and Check-Out Hello, welcome back to the FFOED video guide. In the previous video, we created a reservation and asked the client to pay the deposit for the reservation. After the payment, we registered the payment in the system and issued the advance payment document. We have also tested additional options to process the payments more efficiently. Let’s check the reservation account and make changes, including the final invoicing. You can see the whole account; if there is a registered deposit, you might see some changes in the reservation status. Firstly, you might be notified that there are different colours by the columns connecting the items with the documents and payment. The red ones are the items that were not charged or paid; the orange ones are the items that were partially charged or paid, and the green ones are fully charged and paid. As we have merged the items in the proforma invoice, all the items are partially charged and paid. Now we can add some items to the account, for example, parking and a bottle of wine. You already know this functionality, so press the green plus icon and add the items. As you can see, you can still change the price of the services and VAT category, but there is no option to change the quantity. This reflects the service settings in the price list. For parking, you can see that the client is automatically charged for every night stayed in the hotel. You need to change the settings or create a one-day parking service to charge only one night. We can ask the client to pay the rest of the account. Again, we are starting with the document, which would be the invoice in this case. As you can see, the system automatically loads the previous deposit payment. As we have used the merging option, the system notifies us about the previous partial payment of some items on the room account. Now, we can check the items on the final invoice or merge the items into VAT groups of service groups or the single item on the invoice. Now you can save the document, which will be visible in the reservation account and process the payment in the same way as when processing the deposit payment.  If you are processing the payment at the end of the stay, you can easily check out the client and save the reservation, which will become grey. And we are done! These are the basics of the property management system operations for the front-line employees. But do not worry; we will add more content to cover most of the functionality of the hotel system. So, see you in the following videos!