The Framework for FrontOffice Employees Development 2021-2-CZ01-KA210-VET-000049509 Midterm Meeting – Prague – January 2023 – 20. 1. 2023 Meeting minutes Attendance: Norbert Beták, Hana Bieliková, Štěpán Chalupa, Martin Petříček, Barbora Komínková (declared by the Attendance list for the transnational project meeting) The content of the international meeting 1. Organization of the project. • Štěpán Chalupa welcomed partners from Nitra at the UCP and thanked them for postponing the meeting. • The changes in the Nitra Project Team were discussed. • Hana Bieliková was physically introduced, including her position in creating the IO 1 focused on the Methodology for training and development of the FO employees. • Štěpán thanked Norbert and Barbora for communicating the issues and their resolution. • The coordinator thanked all project team members for delivering the IO 1 and IO2, including their translations in the Czech and Slovak languages. • Norbert Betak presented the whole organization and realization of the Workshop in November 2021. • Štěpán Chalupa presented the website structure and the way of sharing the IO. Currently, the website is in its final development stage, prepared for disseminating the created outputs (partial outputs were uploaded, but from 2023, the content would be more suitable for its consumers – intensive dissemination of the IOs is planned for Q3-Q4 of 2023). • The midterm report for DZS was discussed, and the project team agreed on their participation during the creation of the midterm report. 2. Intellectual Outputs presentations • Norbert presented the Methodology (IO 1), emphasizing its application during the training and development of FO skills. The Methodology is based on a didactic basis with a solid connection to the needs of the hospitality industry and identified stakeholders. • Norbert presented the Workshop as well, its organization and results. • Štěpán presented IO2 – the e-book focused on the basic of FO operations. In addition, Štěpán mentioned the verification made by the students of UCP and partners from the hospitality industry. • Martin presented the plans for video-guide creation – system setup, communication with Previo, and training to be delivered to the project team. Martin also explained the intention to identify the most common mistakes while working with PMS. • Barbora discussed the timing of the IO creation in the context of its production and copyediting. As a result, minor issues were identified and resolved. 3. Discussion – no additional issues were identified, and Štěpán thanked all project members for their effort and activity. Furthermore, Štěpán expects to successfully deliver the needed outputs in time to finish the project in Q1 2024. In Prague 20. 1. 2023 Štěpán Chalupa