The Framework for FrontOffice Employees Development 2021-2-CZ01-KA210-VET-000049509 Midterm Meeting – Prague – June 2023 – 21. 6. 2023 Meeting minutes Attendance: Norbert Beták, Hana Bieliková (online), Štěpán Chalupa, Martin Petříček, Barbora Komínková, Viktória Bíziková (declared by the Attendance list for the transnational project meeting) The content of the international meeting 1. Organization of the project. • Štěpán Chalupa started the meeting and thanked the Nitra team the hospitality and hosting of the event. • Štěpán and Barbora presented the issues connected with the administration and dissemination of the project and thanked Norbert, Hana and Viktória for continuous dissemination and connection with the stakeholders. • All the previous issues were discussed and solved. • Štěpán thank all the team member for the participation on the creation of the midterm report about the project. 2. Intellectual Outputs presentations • Štěpán presented the content of the IO4 Communication scenarios and their connection to the previous intellectual outputs. Štěpán as well mentioned the issues of the translation, where the general terms must be used. The users of the scenarios must be instructed to go through the previous content. • Within the presentation all the team members discussed the usability of the content and its impact on the stakeholders. Norbert highlighted the connection to the previous intellectual outputs and the need for provision of the more advanced procedures in the hospitality industry. Štěpán presented the feedback from the partners who tend to include these as well abut miss the basic knowledge of the front office operations. • Martin presented the current state of preparation of the IO 5 Video Guide. The connection with Previo was confirmed and insights form the Previo, PHC and other companies were presented. • The content was discussed by the team members with the stress on the creation of the videos, their dissemination and accessibility of other additional outputs. The structure of the video-guide was presented and both partners agreed on the continuous development of the guide and mutual development of the soft and hard skills. 3. Discussion – no additional issues were identified, and Štěpán thanked all project members for their effort and activity. In Nitra 21. 6. 2023 Štěpán Chalupa