The Framework for FrontOffice Employees Development 2021-2-CZ01-KA210-VET-000049509 Kick off Meeting- 18. 3. 2022, Nitra Meeting minutes Attendance: Norbert Beták, Zuzana Palenčíková, Štěpán Chalupa, Martin Petříček, Barbora Komínková (declared by the Attendance list for transnational project meeting) The content of the transnational meeting 1. Organization of the project. • Both project teams were introduced as well as their roles in intellectual outputs (10) creation. • Project members agreed on the creation of agreement that will setup the outline for the cooperation during the project. • Norbert was selected as an administrator for the Nitra team. • Members agreed on financial rules which will be reflected by the Project Agreement - the supporting document mentioned in the first point of the minutes. • Norbert and Štěpán are working on the contracts for the project team members with the organizations - the contract was signed by national agency of the 3 rd March and no all the team members are having prepared contract. • Members agreed on the bi-weekly online meetings to track the advances in 10 creation, problem solving and knowledge exchange - applicable in case the other communication routes are not effective and not delivering the expected output. • Members agreed on the creation of the shared online folder for the documentation storage and exchange. • Dissemination - Barbora and Štěpán informed about the dissemination strategy that will be created in April 2022. The website and Facebook site will be prepared (including the content in April 2022). 2. Presentation of the partners and their duties within the project with respect to the predefined 10 outputs. • Norbert and Zuzana started working on the Framework for the development of soft and hard skills of the front office employees. The content will reflect the stakeholder's qualification and other outputs to be comprehensively used in training process. • Štěpán and Martin presented the ideas about the other ÍOs to be implemented in the framework. • Štěpán informed about the structure of the e-book focusing on the basics of the Front Office operations. • Project team discussed the outline for other outputs and their connection to the Framework. Objectives for March 2022 • Create and sign the participation agreement by both organizations (represented by the Administrators of the Project) to clarify the organization of the project and rights and responsibilities of the Project members. - Štěpán and Norbert -31.3. 2022 • Creation of the contracts for Czech team members - Štěpán and Barbora ASAP • Creation of the contracts for Slovak team members - Norbert - ASAP • Yearly Payment for Project expenses to Slovak team Barbora - no longer then 7 days after receiving the funds from the National agency. • Creation of the "FFOED" online disk - Štěpán - ASAP • Štěpán informed about the created partnership with Previo as a supplier of PMS for the Video Guide. • Štěpán and Martin informed about hi Prague 21. 3. 2022 Štěpán Chalupa