University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. (UCP)
Rektorát (REK)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd.
Studijní oddělení (SO)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. → Rektorát
Studovna a knihovna
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. → Rektorát
Provozní oddělení (PRO)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. → Rektorát
Podatelna (POD)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. → Rektorát
Katedra finančních a účetních studií (KFUS)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd.
Katedra finančních a účetních studií - vedení katedry (vedení)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. → Katedra finančních a účetních studií
Katedra finančních a účetních studií – vyučující (výuka)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. → Katedra finančních a účetních studií
Bratislava (BA)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd.
Katedra hotelnictví (KHO)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd.
Katedra hotelnictví - vedení katedry (vedení)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. → Katedra hotelnictví
Katedra hotelnictví - vyučující (výuka)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. → Katedra hotelnictví
Hospitality management
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. → Katedra hotelnictví
Katedra cestovního ruchu (KCR)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd.
Katedra cestovního ruchu - vedení katedry (vedení)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. → Katedra cestovního ruchu
Katedra cestovního ruchu - vyučující (výuka)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. → Katedra cestovního ruchu
Katedra marketingu
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd.
Katedra marketingu – vedení katedry
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. → Katedra marketingu
Katedra marketingu – vyučující
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. → Katedra marketingu
Katedra mezinárodních vztahů a diplomacie (KMVD)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd.
Katedra mezinárodních vztahů a diplomacie - vedení katedry (vedení)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. → Katedra mezinárodních vztahů a diplomacie
Katedra mezinárodních vztahů a diplomacie – vyučující (výuka)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. → Katedra mezinárodních vztahů a diplomacie
Katedra politologie a společenských věd (KPSV)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd.
Katedra politologie a společenských věd - vedení katedry (vedení)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. → Katedra politologie a společenských věd
Katedra politologie a společenských věd – vyučující (výuka)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. → Katedra politologie a společenských věd
Institut mezinárodního managementu a marketingu (IMMM)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd.
Institut mezinárodního managementu a marketingu - vedení institutu (vedení)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. → Institut mezinárodního managementu a marketingu
Institut mezinárodního managementu a marketingu – vyučující (výuka)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. → Institut mezinárodního managementu a marketingu
Katedra politických věd, mezinárodních vztahů a diplomacie (KPVMVD)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd.
Vedení katedry
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. → Katedra politických věd, mezinárodních vztahů a diplomacie
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. → Katedra politických věd, mezinárodních vztahů a diplomacie
Katedra ekonomie a ekonomiky (KEE)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd.
Katedra ekonomie a ekonomiky - vedení katedry (vedení)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. → Katedra ekonomie a ekonomiky
Katedra ekonomie a ekonomiky - vyučující (výuka)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. → Katedra ekonomie a ekonomiky
Katedra managementu (KMG)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd.
Katedra managementu - vedení katedry (vedení)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. → Katedra managementu
Katedra managementu - vyučující (výuka)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. → Katedra managementu
Katedra jazyků (KJ)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd.
Katedra jazyků - vedení katedry (vedení)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. → Katedra jazyků
Katedra jazyků - vyučující (výuka)
University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd. → Katedra jazyků
Vedení společnosti