This page has been written to assist you in adding functionality to
your Web pages stored in the IS environment and to explain the
fundamental differences between administering them on a regular Web
server and IS.
Its aim, however, is not to teach you to create Web pages.
Therefore, it is not intended for the users with no knowledge of Web
design. That is also the reason why no technical support is
provided in this area on the part of IS developers (since it is beyond
their capacity) and why the IS users are requested to contact their
more experienced colleagues provided they encounter any problems during
the designing process.
First of all, go to the my Web section using the following path:
Personal Administration My Web
Then, proceed as follows:
Upload your main page (index.html or index.htm)
from your computer into the root folder (the one you have been taken
to) using Operations → Upload file, or select 'Enter
text and save it as a file' and save the newly entered text as a
file named index.html or index.htm (only one of these).
After uploading (or creating) the file, set its access rights by
selecting (using the appropriate checkbox) index.htm or
index.html (depending on the name of your file) and clicking
on Operations → Change rights and attributes of each item
separately (you can also use the padlock icon
for this
purpose). Then set the right to read to anyone on the
Internet (provided you want your pages to be accessible to
everyone, of course) and click on Save.
Now the address of your Web site is
or, provided you have a user name,
For the instructions on how to work with the HTML editor, click
Provided you use the plain text editor in combination with the HTML
one, you may encounter the situation where the latter does not display
your image while your browser loaded with the page does so (this
problem also occurs when relative addresses are used). Therefore, it
proves helpful to load one browser window with your page and another
with the editor. Thus you can easily view the changes you have made in
your page by reloading the contents of the former (using the
Refresh/Reload button of your browser) each time you save them
in the editor.
When inserting an image located in another folder into your HTML
code, you should use its abbreviation (not its name!). The
HTML editor inserts this automatically. Therefore, if you are
entering the path manually using the plain text editor, the image
tags should have the following format:
<img alt="your_description" src="/www/your_personal_identification_number/folder_abbreviation/your_image.gif"/>.
If you want your page to be accessible to people outside the
Information System as well, you should delete the /auth part
from the tag that has been generated by the HTML editor. Hence, the
URL part of the tag should finally have the following format:
NB: The plain text editor is case-sensitive!
Hypertext References
When inserting hypertext references using the plain text editor,
proceed the same way you would if you were writing the code in
Notepad, Wordpad, or any other similar program. The hypertext
references should therefore have the format of, for instance,
<a href="">odkaz</a>. When working with the HTML editor, you can use the icon for
inserting references.
The Information System allows its users to set a wide range of access
rights for their folders and files. Provided you want your folder or
file to be accessible to anyone, set its right to read to anyone on
the Internet. You can also make the folder or file accessible to
only a limited number of people such as IS users, teachers, a concrete
person, etc.
The access rights can be specified for each folder or file separately.
Provided you have created a folder where you plan to store the material
that no one else should be allowed to access, do not set any right to
read for it.
If you want to allocate some space to the material a team of IS users
will be working on, create a new folder and limit its right to
read and right to upload to the individual members of the
team using their personal identification numbers (učos). This will
enable all the members of the team to upload files into the folder and
read the ones uploaded by the others.
The address of your Web site stored in the my Web section is, or, provided you have a user name, To
create/select a user name, please use the following path:
Personal Administration select user name
File addresses:
To find out what address a page on your Web site has (not just that of
index.html), please click on its
, which will
display the information about the file.
To change the properties of the file (e.g. its name, type, and encoding
system), click on
To change its contents in the HTML editor, use
Provided your Web site consists of multiple files, it is advisable to
organize these into folders. When creating a new folder (e.g. using
Operations → Create folder), remember to enter its name as
well as its abbreviation. The latter is consequently inserted in the
address of the file so that it has the format of
as opposed to blossoming in spring/plant.jpg
containing full names.
Address within Manager:
The address in the format of takes you to the authenticated part of File Manager
allowing you to work only with this file. The section enables you
to access the information about the file as well as the tools you
can use to edit it the way described above.
Address within Manager for the users outside IS:
The address in the format of takes you the
unauthenticated part of File Manager displaying the information
about the file. However, you can access neither the tools used
for its editing nor its access statistics. The file can only be
opened (its contents displayed).
Address within IS:
The Address within IS is the one of your Web site that
can only be utilized by the visitors logged in the Information
System. The visitors outside the System cannot browse it at this
Address for the users outside IS:
This address can also be used by the visitors outside the
Information System.
If the System does not find the requested file at the address that the
visitor entered into his/her browser (e.g.,
it looks for the file in its parent folders, i.e. first at the address and then, if it fails to find
the file again, it moves up one level again and starts another search.
Unless the file is found, this operation is performed for up to ten
Using this section, you can keep track of how frequently visited
your Web site is. The feature only works for files, not folders. To view
the access statistics, please use the following path:
Personal Administration My Web the
Tools icon of the file whose access statistics you want to browse
access statistics
Every IS user (a member of MU staff or student who has not completed or
interrupted his/her studies) has his/her own Web section with a
certain amount of free space allocated to it. The information about the
currently available free space (as well as the space occupied) is
displayed to him/her after he/she enters the application. Provided
he/she attempts to upload into his/her Web section a
file that causes its space limit to be exceeded, the Information System
does not let him/her do so.
The System administrators reserve the right to change the free space
limit if the need to do so arises.
For more information, go to: - available in Czech
Instructions on how to create the first Web site with lots of examples
and a list of HTML tags (good for beginners and those who know little
about HTML) can be found at: - in Czech
Books on Web design:
Návrh a tvorba webů - written in Czech
Subtitle: Vytváříme zákaznicky orientovaný web
The book focuses on all the areas of Web design ranging from the Web
page layout, to navigation, administration, e-commerce, and debugging.
The book has been translated into Czech from its English original
titled The Design of Sites.
Webdesign pro úplné začátečníky
This book (only available in Czech) provides fundamentals of Web design
and instructs the reader in how to build a Web site from scratch
focusing on making its first draft, creating graphics and incorporating
these in the site, making the site functional and interactive. All the
instructions are presented clearly and they do not require the reader
to have any previous experience in the area.
Web design - written in Czech
This book full of useful tidbits, which is a Czech translation of
Web Design Complete Reference, has been published as
a complete guide intended mainly (but not only) for advanced Web
Ovládněte kaskádové styly! - written in Czech
This book targets the effective use of cascading style sheets (CSS). It
has been translated from its English original titled
Eric Meyer on CSS: Mastering the Language of Web Design.
Other books - mostly in Czech
This page contains a list of other books on Web design.