VOPCJ_PRMP PR, Media, Politics (VOP_CJ)

University College Prague – Vysoká škola mezinárodních vztahů a Vysoká škola hotelová a ekonomická s.r.o.
zima 2024
2/0. 4 kr. Ukončení: zk.
Jozef Ftorek, M.A. (přednášející)
Omezení zápisu do předmětu
Předmět je otevřen studentům libovolného oboru.
Informace učitele

Vyučující: Jozef Ftorek, M. A.
Zkoušející: Jozef Ftorek, M. A.

Způsob ukončení předmětu: zkouška písemná a ústní
Rozsah výuky: 12 hodin
Počet kreditů: 5

Cíl předmětu:
Course goal and philosophy:

Politics of public relations (PR) represents a key means of communication and social control in modern mass society. The skill of forging relations with the public – influencing opinion and manufacturing consent among citizens - for which the English term ‘public relations’ has been adopted worldwide, is founded on the secure manipulation of symbols and mechanisms of communication, including communication channels - the media. Whoever controls the mechanisms and symbols of social communication concentrates the real power and often holds true and secret authority. This is held predominantly by the top representatives of economic and political power – the power elites.
The goal of the class is to present and discuss the basic questions and techniques of political practice in the process of influencing opinion – manufacturing consent among citizens in the age of modern society and its topical challenges.

Absolvent(ka) tohoto předmětu by měl(a) zvládat následující problematiku:
Learning outcomes: after accomplishing the course, the student should be able to:

• understand the basic approach of public relations strategy and tactics,
• analyze the techniques used by elites to manufacture the consent among citizens,
• describe and detect how is the practice o PR reflected in media and politics,
• understand the dangers of mass manipulation.

Hlavní témat předmětu:
Main Topics:

I. Politics of public relations - genesis
1.1The birth of public relations
1.2 War propaganda and the Great War
1.3 E. L Bernays, the father of public relations
1.3.1 Engineering public consent
1.4 Propaganda, its classification and characterization
II. Public relations – theory and practice
2.1 Definition of public relations
2.2 Public relations and public opinion
2.3 Public relations, social control and the hegemony of elites
2.3.1 Public relations and ideology
2.4 Public relations and propaganda
2.5 Public relations and desired publicity
2.6 Active public relations
2.7 Reactive public relations
III. Public relations and political practice (PR and competence of elites)
3.1 The critical school and the hegemony of elites
3.2 Dominant sources and information monopoly
3.3 Liberal competition paradigm
3.1 The power elite and public relations
3.2 PR, political propaganda and the manufacture of consent
3.2.1 PR and authority
IV. Case Studies

Podmínky ukončení předmětu:
Course Assessment:

The course includes both oral and written examinations, plus presentation of the course project – case study, same as the individual presentation of the chosen topics from the list of currant topics during the semester.
The final evaluation of the course includes the evaluation of the submitted case study and its presentation. The final elaboration of the semester project – case study has a traditional structure, which is the introduction, goal, methodology, outputs, conclusion, including all relevant sources used.
The presentation is in front of the class. It is recommended to be it delivered in the power point or the other relevant program in the range of about 5 - 10 slides for about 10 - 15 minutes). Student is supposed to demonstrate basic orientation in the topic.
It is a condition for successful completion of the course.
Dates of the exam will be announced in Moggis system, through which students will apply for.

Hodnocení kurzu

Presentation of the chosen topic 15 points
Case study presentation 30 points
Written Test 30 points
Oral exam 25 points
CELKEM 100 bodů (points)

Celkové hodnocení kurzu:

100 – 95 bodů výborně 1,0 A
94 – 88 bodů velmi dobře 1,5 B
87 – 81 bodů dobře 2,0 C
80 – 74 bodů uspokojivě 2,5 D
73 – 66 bodů dostatečně 3,0 E
65 – 60 bodů neuspěl(a) 3,5 FX
59 a méně bodů nevyhověl(a) 4,0 F

Základní literatura:
Sources and literature (fundamental):

Ftorek, Jozef: Public Relations and Politics: VŠMVV Praha, Prague 2011
Herman, E. – Chomsky, N.: Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the
Mass Media. Pantheon, New York 1998
Mills, Charles W.: The Power Elite, Oxford University Press, 2000
Cole, Robert: Propaganda in Twentieth Century War and Politics. Scarecrow Press,
Lanham 1996
Lewis Justin: Constructing Public Opinion, Columbia University Press, New York
Curtis Adam: The Century of The Self, BBC II., 2002 (part I. - IV.)


Bernays, Edward L.: Propaganda. Ig Publishing, New York, 2004
Biocca, Frank: Communication in the Age of Virtual Reality. LEA, New Jersey 1995
Ellul, Jacques: Propaganda – The Formation of Men‘s Attitudes. Random House / Vintage, New York 1973
Ewen, Stuart: PR!: A Social History of Spin. Basic Books, New York 1996

Plán výuky (kombinované studium)
Study plan (distance study)

Termín Témata
/2/2021 - Jozef Ftorek, M. A.
1. Politics of public relations - genesis
2. The birth of public relations
3. War propaganda and the Great War
4. E. L Bernays, the father of public relations. Engineering public consent
5. Propaganda, its classification and characterization
/03/2021 - Jozef Ftorek, M. A.
6. Public relations – theory and practice -
7. Definition of public relations
8. Public relations and public opinion
10. Public relations, social control and the hegemony of elites
12. Active and reactive PR
Témata k samostudiu /independent study (Ftorek, Jozef: Public Relations and Politics: VŠMVV Praha, Prague 2011, pg 84 - 128)
/3/2021 - Jozef Ftorek, M. A.
9. Public relations and political practice (PR and competence of elites)
11. The critical school and the hegemony of elites
13. Dominant sources and information monopoly
14. Liberal competition paradigm
15. The power elite and public relations
16. PR, political propaganda and the manufacture of consent . PR and authority.
17. Case studies

Plán výuky (prezenční studium)
Study plan (regular)

Týden Přednáška:
1. Politics of public relations – genesis. The birth of public relations
2. Propaganda, its classification and characterization
3. Public relations – theory and practice
4. Definition of public relations
5. Public relations and public opinion
6. Public relations, social control and the hegemony of elites
7. Active and reactive PR
8. Public relations and political practice (PR and competence of elites)
9. The critical school and the hegemony of elites. Dominant and liberal paradigm.
10. The power elite and public relations
11. PR, political propaganda and the manufacture of consent .
12. PR and authority.
13. Case studies

Předmět je zařazen také v obdobích léto 2021, léto 2022, zima 2022, léto 2023, zima 2023, léto 2024.
  • Statistika zápisu (nejnovější)
  • Permalink: https://is.ucp.cz/predmet/ucp/zima2024/VOPCJ_PRMP