D 2016

Application of Schumpeter’s Theory of the Innovation to Economic Development

PETŘÍČEK, Martin and Jan MÁČE

Basic information

Original name

Application of Schumpeter’s Theory of the Innovation to Economic Development

Name (in English)

Application of Schumpeter’s Theory of the Innovation to Economic Development


PETŘÍČEK, Martin and Jan MÁČE


Hradec Králové, Hradec Economic Days, p. 817-823, 7 pp. 2016


Gaudeamus publishing

Other information

Type of outcome

Stať ve sborníku

Confidentiality degree

není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství

Publication form

electronic version available online

Organization unit

University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd.




Keywords in English

Schumpeter's theory, business cycle, innovation


International impact, Reviewed
Změněno: 4/5/2016 17:51, doc. Ing. Martin Petříček, Ph.D.


V originále

This paper applies Schumpeter's theory of the business cycle, based on the original Schumpeterian model, to economic development in the United States during the period 1963 - 2010. The issue is examined from the perspective of various economic sectors, with a focus on the financial sector. Key concepts mentioned in the theory of the business cycle are quantified and then put into context with the development of the economy or selected region. Schumpeter mentioned five elements of innovation, which are quantified, performed primarily on the basis of submitted and accepted applications for new patents and utility design. The output of the analysis is an index which aggregates the individual elements of innovation. The results show that before an economic downturn in the sector, a significant increase in the output index is recorded.
Displayed: 8/1/2025 16:10