Connections between scientific research and education in the field of tourism and leisure in the Czech Republic
Základní údaje
Originální název
Connections between scientific research and education in the field of tourism and leisure in the Czech Republic
Název česky
Vztah výzkumu a vzdělávání v oblasti cestovního ruchu a volného časuv České republice
European Journal of Tourism Research, Varna, Varna University of Management, 2017, 1994-7658
Další údaje
Typ výsledku
Článek v odborném periodiku
50600 5.6 Political science
Stát vydavatele
není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství
Organizační jednotka
University College Prague – Vysoká škola mezinárodních vztahů a Vysoká škola hotelová a ekonomická s.r.o.
Klíčová slova česky
Česká republika, vzdělávání, volný čas, výzkum, cestovní ruch
Klíčová slova anglicky
Czech Republic, education, leisure, research, tourism
Mezinárodní význam, Recenzováno
WA-037-05-Z06, projekt VaV.
V originále
This article provides insight into the development of tourism research and education in the period 1993–2015 in the Czech Republic. Tourism research and education have a strong tradition dating back to the 1950s, to the time of the former Czechoslovakia. Changes in the political and economic situation in 1989 marked the beginning of a new stage in tourism development. The initial phase was characterized by poorly completed projects and fragmented, uncoordinated approaches to rapidly growing incoming tourism. Currently, research on tourism has been dealt with by the national tourism office, the Czech Tourist Authority – CzechTourism. It was here that the Institute of Tourism was established. Public and private universities operating in the Czech Republic are also significant initiators of support for tourism research at the national and international level. The Society of Scientific Experts on Tourism was founded in 2009 as a platform for tourism research.
Zobrazeno: 4. 1. 2025 03:09