J 2017

The Preference of Professionals Working in Gastronomy Field with regard to the Impact of Biosocial Factors: Sensory Evaluation of Traditional Czech Pickled Sausage „Utopenci“

VINŠ, Zbyněk, Jiří ZELENÝ and Dana KOLÁŘOVÁ

Basic information

Original name

The Preference of Professionals Working in Gastronomy Field with regard to the Impact of Biosocial Factors: Sensory Evaluation of Traditional Czech Pickled Sausage „Utopenci“

Name in Czech

Preference odborných pracovníků v gastronomii s ohledem na vliv biosociálních faktorů: senzorické hodnocení tradičních českých utopenců


VINŠ, Zbyněk, Jiří ZELENÝ and Dana KOLÁŘOVÁ


Czech Tourism and Hospitality Papers, Praha, The Institute of Hospitality Management in Prague, 2017, 1801-1535

Other information



Type of outcome

Článek v odborném periodiku

Field of Study

21101 Food and beverages

Country of publisher

Czech Republic

Confidentiality degree

není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství



Organization unit

University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd.

Keywords in English

biosocial factors, Czech pickled sausage, hedonic evaluation, traditional speciality guaranteed


International impact, Reviewed
Změněno: 30/10/2021 21:34, Ing. Jiří Zelený, Ph.D.


V originále

The study deals with the acceptability of the components of appearance, odour and taste of the Czech traditional pickled sausage "utopenci". To prepare it three special types of sausages were selected, one labelled by traditional speciality guaranteed (TSG).
Displayed: 4/1/2025 03:02