J 2021

The Use of Business Process Management in Hotel Direct Sales Improvement

CHALUPA, Štěpán, Martin PETŘÍČEK a Zdeněk ULRYCH

Základní údaje

Originální název

The Use of Business Process Management in Hotel Direct Sales Improvement

Název anglicky

The Use of Business Process Management in Hotel Direct Sales Improvement


CHALUPA, Štěpán, Martin PETŘÍČEK a Zdeněk ULRYCH


TEM Journal, UIKTEN, 2021, 2217-8309

Další údaje

Typ výsledku

Článek v odborném periodiku


není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství

Organizační jednotka

University College Prague – Vysoká škola mezinárodních vztahů a Vysoká škola hotelová a ekonomická s.r.o.





Klíčová slova anglicky

BPM in hospitality; business process reengineering; hotel direct sales; process modelling


Mezinárodní význam, Recenzováno


TL01000191, projekt VaV.
Změněno: 29. 3. 2021 16:51, doc. Ing. Martin Petříček, Ph.D.



V originále

This article deals with Business Process Modelling and Reengineering use in the hospitality industry, focusing on the improvement of direct telephone sales by application of the CRM system. After modelling the current state of the selected process using ARIS methodology, the same process was remodelled for the application of the CRM system. This application shortened the whole process (mainly the number of activities needed to prosecute) and allowed the front-office employee to be more clients oriented. The automation of labour-intensive processes can reduce the number of human-caused errors and improve the convertibility and reservation request and their overall value.


This article deals with Business Process Modelling and Reengineering use in the hospitality industry, focusing on the improvement of direct telephone sales by application of the CRM system. After modelling the current state of the selected process using ARIS methodology, the same process was remodelled for the application of the CRM system. This application shortened the whole process (mainly the number of activities needed to prosecute) and allowed the front-office employee to be more clients oriented. The automation of labour-intensive processes can reduce the number of human-caused errors and improve the convertibility and reservation request and their overall value.
Zobrazeno: 2. 1. 2025 21:05