Number of results: 703
Results of 4 selected fields/plans of studyBaran, Ľuboš
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd., 2016
Programme: Gastronomy , Hospitality Management and TourismField of Study: Hospitality and Spa Management (Study in Czech)
Master's thesis: The Project of Rebuilding and Reconstruction of the Accommodation Equipment
Baranovska, Darya
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd., 2014
Programme: Gastronomy , Hospitality Management and TourismField of Study: Hospitality and Spa Management (Study in Czech)
Master's thesis: Analysis of the effectiveness of teamwork within the organization
Barták, Jaroslav
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd., 2016
Programme: Gastronomy , Hospitality Management and TourismField of Study: Hospitality and Spa Management (Study in Czech)
Master's thesis: Human Resources Management in Hospitality
Bartalová, Martina
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd., 2020
Programme: Gastronomy , Hospitality Management and TourismField of Study: Hospitality and Spa Management (Study in Czech)
Master's thesis: Měření efektivnosti distribučních kanálů ve vybraném hotelu
Barthová, Michaela
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd., 2017
Programme: Gastronomy , Hospitality Management and TourismField of Study: Hospitality and Spa Management (Study in Czech)
Master's thesis: The Preparation of the New Accommodation Facility in the City of Levice
Bártík, Petr
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd., 2015
Programme: Gastronomy , Hospitality Management and TourismField of Study: Hospitality and Spa Management (Study in Czech)
Master's thesis: Process of certification of ecological hotel
Bartíková, Zuzana
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd., 2016
Programme: Gastronomy , Hospitality Management and TourismField of Study: Hospitality and Spa Management (Study in Czech)
Master's thesis: Concept Restaurant Day
Bartoňková, Lucie
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd., 2014
Programme: Gastronomy , Hospitality Management and TourismField of Study: Hospitality and Spa Management (Study in Czech)
Master's thesis: Competitiveness catering companies in Czech Republic
Bartošová, Veronika
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd., 2016
Programme: Gastronomy , Hospitality Management and TourismField of Study: Hospitality and Spa Management (Study in Czech)
Master's thesis: Environmental analysis of Disco Club Morava
Bastlová, Lucie
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd., 2017
Programme: Gastronomy , Hospitality Management and TourismField of Study: Hospitality and Spa Management (Study in Czech)
Master's thesis: Geoparks as a tool for sustainable tourism
Bednárová, Dominika
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd., 2019
Programme: Gastronomy , Hospitality Management and TourismField of Study: Hospitality and Spa Management (Study in Czech)
Master's thesis: Analysis of a hotel manager's profile
Bednárová, Kristína
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd., 2019
Programme: Gastronomy , Hospitality Management and TourismField of Study: Hospitality and Spa Management (Study in Czech)
Master's thesis: Tap Water in Gastronomic Facilities
Bednář, Jan
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd., 2015
Programme: Gastronomy , Hospitality Management and TourismField of Study: Hospitality and Spa Management (Study in Czech)
Master's thesis: Characterization of gastronomic facilities in Central Bohemian Region
Bejtic, Igor
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd., 2017
Programme: Gastronomy , Hospitality Management and TourismField of Study: Hospitality and Spa Management (Study in Czech)
Master's thesis: Analysis of the Activities of External Control Subjects in the Hospitality Industry and Gastronomy
Beluský, Martin
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd., 2018
Programme: Gastronomy , Hospitality Management and TourismField of Study: Hospitality and Spa Management (Study in Czech)
Master's thesis: Analysis of Quality of Provided Services at the Selected Hotel in the Upper Austrian Tourism Area
Belyankova, Ekaterina
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd., 2014
Programme: Gastronomy , Hospitality Management and TourismField of Study: Hospitality and Spa Management (Study in Czech)
Master's thesis: The Influence of Outsourcing on Hotel Operations on the Example of Houskeeping Sector
Benceová, Marianna
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd., 2018
Programme: Gastronomy , Hospitality Management and TourismField of Study: Hospitality and Spa Management (Study in Czech)
Master's thesis: Price as a competitive factor in gastronomy
Bencze, Adam
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd., 2015
Programme: Gastronomy , Hospitality Management and TourismField of Study: Hospitality and Spa Management (Study in Czech)
Master's thesis: Analysis of wine offers in gastronomic companies
Benedyktová, Zuzana
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd., 2015
Programme: Gastronomy , Hospitality Management and TourismField of Study: Hospitality and Spa Management (Study in Czech)
Master's thesis: Cities and municipalities marketing in practice. Who in the cities and municipalities is engaged in the marketing and what does their work contain?
Benešová, Barbora
(the defence was successful)Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), University College Prague – University of International Relations and Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Ltd., 2014
Programme: Gastronomy , Hospitality Management and TourismField of Study: Hospitality and Spa Management (Study in Czech)
Master's thesis: The group 55+ like unutilized potential of marketing communication in area of tourism and services