ZELENÝ, Jiří. A Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Management, Tourism and Technologies´25, San Carlos, Costa Rica. International Conference on Management, Tourism and Technologies´25 Scientific Committee, 2025 - 2025.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. A Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Marketing and Technologies´25, Valencia, Spain (A Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Marketing and Technologies´25, Valencia, SpainA Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Marketing and Technologies´25, Valencia, Spain). International Conference on Marketing and Technologies´25 Scientific Committee, 2025 - 2025.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. A Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Marketing, Communication, Technologies and Applications´25, Bogotá, Colombia. International Conference on Marketing, Communication, Technologies and Applications´25 Scientific Committee, 2025 - 2025.
STUDNIČKA, Petr, Martin KOCOUREK, Zbyněk VINŠ, Jiří ZELENÝ and Darina SVOBODOVÁ. Expertní stanovisko - Zavedení povinného uvedení informace o množství pokrmu v jídelních lístcích. 1st ed. Praha: University College Prague, 2025, 2 pp.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for Appetite Journal (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). Appetite. London: Elsevier, 2025, 2025-01-11. ISSN 0195-6663.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for Economia Agro-alimentare Journal (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). Economia Agro-alimentare. Bologna: FrancoAngeli Edizioni, 2025, 2025-01-11. ISSN 1126-1668.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science Journal (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science. Spain: Elsevier, 2025, 2025-01-23. ISSN 1878-450X.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. A Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Management, Tourism and Technologies´24, Cusco, Peru. International Conference on Management, Tourism and Technologies´24 Scientific Committee, 2024 - 2024.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. A Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Marketing and Technologies´24, Azores, Portugal. International Conference on Marketing and Technologies´24 Scientific Committee, 2024 - 2024.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Dávid MELAS, Anna ULRICHOVÁ, Petr STUDNIČKA, Jan HÁN and Michaela VACULÍKOVÁ. Aesthetics and DALL-E 1-3: Bibliometric Analysis of Papers Published in 2021–2024. Online. In Muneer Al Mubarak, Allam Hamdan. Innovative and Intelligent Digital Technologies; Towards an Increased Efficiency. 1st ed. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2024, p. 763–774. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, SSDC, volume 564. ISBN 978-3-031-70398-0. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-70399-7_58.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Jana KALABISOVÁ, Lucie CRESPO STUPKOVÁ, Dávid MELAS and Lenka TURNEROVÁ. Bibliometric Analysis on ChatGPT in Tourism, Hospitality, and Gastronomy: Papers Published in 2023. Online. In Rocha, Á., Montenegro, C., Pereira, E.T., Victor, J.A.M., Ibarra, W. Management, Tourism and Smart Technologies. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, Cham, 2024, p. 336–346. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 1191. ISBN 978-3-031-74827-1. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-74828-8_30.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Conference presentation: Aesthetics and DALL-E 1-3: Bibliometric Analysis of Papers Published in 2021-2024. In 2nd International Conference on Science, Engineering and Advanced Technology (ICSEAT 2024). 2024.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Conference presentation: Instagram Wine Posts: Modelling Behavior of Instagram Users Based on Photograph Characteristics. In ICMarktech'24 – International Conference on Marketing and Technologies. 2024.
ZELENÝ, Jiří and Markéta ZÁZVORKOVÁ. Degustační workshop Hennessy (Tasting workshop Hennessy). 2024.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Dávid MELAS, Karolina MACHÁČKOVÁ, Beáta GAVUROVÁ and Anna KUBÁTOVÁ. Discrepancies Between Michelin Guide Awards and Google Restaurant Reviews: A Case Study of the Capital City of Prague. Online. In Reis, J.L., Zelený, J., Gavurová, B., Santos, J.P.M.d. Marketing and Smart Technologies. Singapore: SpringerLink, 2024, p. 701–712. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 386. ISBN 978-981-97-1551-0. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-1552-7_47.
HARÁK, Ivo, Jan KOTOUČ, Jan KOVANIC, Přemysl KREJČÍK, Leoš KYŠA, Ondřej NEFF, Vladimír NOVOTNÝ, Lukáš SAMEK, Jiří SYROVÁTKA, Jiří ZELENÝ and Tereza ZELINOVÁ. Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Dystopie (Psaní bez hranic) (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Dystopia (Writing Without Borders)). vydání první. Praha: Vysoká škola kreativní komunikace, 2024, 137 pp. ISBN 978-80-88431-26-8.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Anna ULRICHOVÁ, Václav FIŠER, Jakub HUSÁK and Darina SVOBODOVÁ. Gastronomic Consumers’ Attitudes Toward AI-Generated Food Images: Exploring Different Perceptions Based on Generational Segmentation. Online. In Reis, J.L., Zelený, J., Gavurová, B., Santos, J.P.M.d. Marketing and Smart Technologies. Singapore: SpringerLink, 2024, p. 105–119. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 386. ISBN 978-981-97-1551-0. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-1552-7_8.
KUBÁTOVÁ, Anna, Jiří ZELENÝ, Zdeněk NOVÁK, Dominika FORMANOVÁ and Pavla ŘÍHOVÁ. Legal and Illegal Trade in CITES Protected Mammals – a Closer Look at the European Union. Deviant Behavior. Philadelphia, PA, USA: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 2024, p. 1-21, 22 pp. ISSN 0163-9625. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01639625.2024.2407987.
LUÍS REIS, José, Jiří ZELENÝ, Beáta GAVUROVÁ and José Paulo MARQUES DOS SANTOS. Marketing and Smart Technologies Proceedings of ICMarkTech 2023, Volume 1. Online. 1st ed. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2024, 883 pp. SIST, volume 386. ISBN 978-981-97-1552-7. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-1552-7.
ZELENÝ, Jiří and Zbyněk VINŠ. Párování vánočních nápojů a tradičních regionálních moučníků (Pairing Christmas Beverages with Traditional Regional Desserts). 2024.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for Appetite Journal (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). Appetite. London: Elsevier, 2024, 2024-04-07. ISSN 0195-6663.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for Appetite Journal (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). Appetite. London: Elsevier, 2024, 2024-01-19. ISSN 0195-6663.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for Sport and Tourism Central European Journal (STCEJ) (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). Sport and Tourism Central European Journal (STCEJ). Częstochowa: Jan Dlugosz University Publishing House, 2024, 2024-07-21. ISSN 2545-3211.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for Sport and Tourism Central European Journal (STCEJ) (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). Sport and Tourism Central European Journal (STCEJ). Częstochowa: Jan Dlugosz University Publishing House, 2024, 2024-04-12. ISSN 2545-3211.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for The ICMarkTech´24 – International Conference on Marketing and Technologies (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). ICMarkTech´24 – International Conference on Marketing and Technologies (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). São Miguel Azores: ICMarkTech´24, 2024, 6th, 2024-09-28.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for The ICMarkTech´24 – International Conference on Marketing and Technologies (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). ICMarkTech´24 – International Conference on Marketing and Technologies (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). São Miguel Azores: ICMarkTech´24, 2024, 6th, 2024-09-27.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for The ICMTT24 – International Conference on Management, Tourism and Technologies (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). The ICMTT24 – International Conference on Management, Tourism an Technologies. Cusco, Peru: ICMTT24, 2024, 2nd, 2024-01-13.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for The ICMTT24 – International Conference on Management, Tourism and Technologies (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). The ICMTT24 – International Conference on Management, Tourism an Technologies. Cusco, Peru: ICMTT24, 2024, 2nd, 2024-01-12.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for The 5th International Conference on Modern Management based on Big Data (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). The 5th International Conference on Modern Management based on Big Data. Beijing, China: MMBD2024, 2024, 5th, 2024-07-03.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for The 5th International Conference on Modern Management based on Big Data (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). The 5th International Conference on Modern Management based on Big Data. Beijing, China: MMBD2024, 2024, 5th, 2024-06-13.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Nicol ŠTURCOVÁ, Jana KALABISOVÁ and Zbyněk VINŠ. Preliminary Analysis of Attitudes Toward Coffee Certifications Among Consumers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Prague: Vysoká škola kreativní komunikace, 2024, p. 71-86. ISBN 978-80-88431-29-9.
ZELENÝ, Jiří and Markéta ZÁZVORKOVÁ. Ruinart Champagne: Blanc de Blancs, Brut, Rosé. 2024.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Sport and Tourism Central European Journal (Scopus) Editorial Board Membership. Sport and Tourism Central European Journal Editorial Board, 2024. ISSN 2657-4322.
ZELENÝ, Jiří and Zbyněk VINŠ. Svatomartinská vína & Husa (St. Martin's Wines & Goose). 2024.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Darina SVOBODOVÁ, Zbyněk VINŠ, Michal LOŠŤÁK and Anna ULRICHOVÁ. The Authenticity of ChatGPT’s Responses in the Tourism and Hospitality Sector: An Explorative Study on Human Perception of Artificial Intelligence. Online. In Reis, J.L., Zelený, J., Gavurová, B., Santos, J.P.M.d. Marketing and Smart Technologies. Singapore: SpringerLink, 2024, p. 39–55. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 386. ISBN 978-981-97-1551-0. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-1552-7_4.
MELAS, Dávid, Jana KALABISOVÁ, Anna KUBÁTOVÁ, Beáta GAVUROVÁ and Jiří ZELENÝ. Wine Consumers’ Attitudes Toward AI-Generated Images of Wine Regions: Exploring Relationship Between Preferences and Imaginative Conceptions. Online. In Reis, J.L., Zelený, J., Gavurová, B., Santos, J.P.M.d. Marketing and Smart Technologies. Singapore: SpringerLink, 2024, p. 173–186. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 386. ISBN 978-981-97-1551-0. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-1552-7_12.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. A Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Management, Tourism and Technologies´23, Bogotá, Colombia. International Conference on Management, Tourism and Technologies´23 Scientific Committee, 2023 - 2023.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. A Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Marketing and Technologies´23, Prague, Czech Republic. International Conference on Marketing and Technologies´23 Scientific Committee, 2023 - 2023.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Zbyněk VINŠ and Michal MAREŠOVSKÝ. Cesta Skotskem Vol. II.: Single Malt Whisky Tasting Workshop by Michal Marešovský. 2023.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Conference Co-Chair and Local Organizer: International Food Marketing Research Symposium 2023, Prague, Czech Republic. 2023.
VINŠ, Zbyněk and Jiří ZELENÝ. Czech Cuisine Tasting at ICMarkTech´23. 2023.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Člen vědeckého výboru konference Udržitelnost v kreativním průmyslu, Vysoká škola kreativní komunikace (Scientific Committee Member, Conference Udržitelnost v kreativním průmyslu, Prague School of Creative Communication). Vědecký výbor konference, 2023 - 2023.
YELISSEYEVA, Margarita, Jiří ZELENÝ and Lošťák MICHAL. Extended Abstract: The Taste of Organic Certification: Construction of Coffee Quality by Specialty Coffee Stakeholders and Consumers. Online. In Klaus G Grunert. International Food Marketing Research Symposium at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague, Czech Republic. 1st. Prague, Czech Republic: Institute of Food Products Marketing, International Forum for Food Products Marketing Research, 2023, p. 111-113.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Chairman & Local Organizor of the Conference: ICMarktech'23 – International Conference on Marketing and Technologies, Prague, Czech Republic. 2023.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Lada POPL PETRÁNKOVÁ, Anna KUBÁTOVÁ, Jan BARTÁK and Lenka TURNEROVÁ. Changing Purchase Intentions Toward Bread and Pastry Products as an Example of Ephemeral Aroma Marketing. Online. In Reis, J.L., Del Rio Araujo, M., Reis, L.P., dos Santos, J.P.M. Marketing and Smart Technologies. Singapore: SpringerLink, 2023, p. 453–467, 14 pp. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 344. ISBN 978-981-99-0332-0. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-0333-7_33.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Keynote speaker: Vnímání autenticity marketingových vizuálních materiálů generovaných AI: příklad gastronomie a vinařských regionů (Authenticity Perception of AI-generated Marketing Visuals: The Example of Gastronomy and Wine Regions). In Udržitelnost v kreativním průmyslu, Vysoká škola kreativní komunikace. 2023.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Meet the Editors Session Chair: ICMarktech'23 – International Conference on Marketing and Technologies, Prague, Czech Republic. 2023.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Opening Session Chair: ICMarktech'23 – International Conference on Marketing and Technologies, Prague, Czech Republic. 2023.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Zbyněk VINŠ and Veselý MICHAL. Párování Rémy Martin Cognac s finger food (Pairing Rémy Martin Cognac with Finger Food). 2023.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for Appetite Journal (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). Appetite. London: Elsevier, 2023, 2023-11-26. ISSN 0195-6663.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for Appetite Journal (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). Appetite. London: Elsevier, 2023, 2023-08-12. ISSN 0195-6663.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for Appetite Journal (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). Appetite. London: Elsevier, 2023, 2023-07-20. ISSN 0195-6663.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for Appetite Journal (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). Appetite. London: Elsevier, 2023, 2023-05-26. ISSN 0195-6663.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for The ICMarkTech´23 – International Conference on Marketing and Technologies (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). ICMarkTech´23 – International Conference on Marketing and Technologies. Prague, Czech Republic: ICMarkTech´23, 2023, 5th, 2023-10-03.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for The ICMarkTech´23 – International Conference on Marketing and Technologies (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). ICMarkTech´23 – International Conference on Marketing and Technologies. Prague, Czech Republic: ICMarkTech´23, 2023, 5th, 2023-10-02.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for The ICMTT – International Conference on Management, Tourism and Technologies (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). The ICMTT – International Conference on Management, Tourism an Technologies. Bogotá, Colombia: ICMTT 2023, 2023, 1st, 2023-03-12.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for The ICMTT – International Conference on Management, Tourism and Technologies (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). The ICMTT – International Conference on Management, Tourism an Technologies. Bogotá, Colombia: ICMTT 2023, 2023, 1st, 2023-01-27.
BARTOŠ, Samuel and Jiří ZELENÝ. Poster: Wine and Beer in Slovakia: Overlapping Marketing with Social and Cultural Aspects. In ICMarktech'23 – International Conference on Marketing and Technologies, Prague, Czech Republic. 2023.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Posuzovatel žádosti o dotaci/finanční příspěvek - návrh vědeckého projektu, Komise VEGA. Vedecká grantová agentúra Ministerstva školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu SR a Slovenskej akadémie vied, Komisia VEGA, 2023 - 2023.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Zbyněk VINŠ and Michaela KAPIČKOVÁ. Rosé Wines Master Class. 2023.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Zbyněk VINŠ and Zázvorková MARKÉTA. Ruinart Champagne: historie a současnost (Ruinart Champagne: History and Present). 2023.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Zbyněk VINŠ and Martiník JAN. Rum & Tequila Tasting Workshop by Jan Martiník. 2023.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Servis, výroba a kategorizace šumivých vín: gastronomická perspektiva (Service, Production and Categorization of Sparkling Wines: A Gastronomic Perspective). In předmět 3MA395 Etiketa pro manažery, Katedra podnikání, VŠE. 2023.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Steps: MSc In Sustainable Food Production Systems: Erasmus+ KA2 project. Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, 2023.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Udržitelnost při přípravě a konzumaci pokrmů a nápojů, její sociální a kulturní kontext (Sustainability in the preparation and consumption of food and beverages, its social and cultural context). University College Prague, 2023.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. A Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Food Marketing Research Symposium 2022, Texas, USA. International Food Marketing Research Symposium 2022 Scientific Committee, 2022 - 2022.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Marešovský MICHAL, Zbyněk VINŠ, Jakub SLÁNSKÝ, Veronika VYBÍRALÍKOVÁ, Zuzana NEŠETŘILOVÁ, Kateřina HAVELKOVÁ, Ege ILGÜZ and Veronika FRAŇKOVÁ. Cesta Skotskem: Whisky Workshop by Michal Marešovský (Journey through Scotland: Whiskey Workshop by Michal Marešovský). 2022.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Conference presentation: Changing Purchase Intentions towards Bread and Pastry Products as an Example of Ephemeral Aroma-Marketing (Changing Purchase Intentions towards Bread and Pastry Products as an Example of Ephemeral Aroma-Marketing). In ICMarktech'22 – International Conference on Marketing and Technologies. 2022.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Conference presentation: Profiling Wine Consumers and Tourists by Cultural Capital and Willingness to Pay: The Case of PDO Wines. In International Food Marketing Research Symposium 2022. 2022.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Conference Session Chair: ICMarktech'22 – International Conference on Marketing and Technologies, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. 2022.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Conference Session Chair: International Food Marketing Research Symposium 2022, Texas, USA. 2022.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Karolina MACHÁČKOVÁ, Jan HÁN and Michal LOŠŤÁK. Expectations versus Perceptions: The Role of Consumers’ Senses in Composing of USP for PDO Wines. Online. In Reis, J.L., López, E.P., Moutinho, L., Santos, J.P.M.d. Marketing and Smart Technologies. Singapore: SpringerLink, 2022, p. 395-406. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 279. ISBN 978-981-16-9267-3. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-9268-0_33.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Dávid MELAS, Petr STUDNIČKA and Jan HÁN. Extended abstract: Profiling Wine Consumers and Tourists by Cultural Capital and Willingness to Pay: The Case of PDO Wines. Online. In Klaus Grunert. International Food Marketing Research Symposium at the Texas A&M University, Texas, USA. 1st. San Antonio, Texas: Institute of Food Products Marketing, International Forum for Food Products Marketing Research, 2022, p. 150-157.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Peter BOBULA, Zbyněk VINŠ, Jakub SLÁNSKÝ, Tomáš KROPÁČEK, Veronika VYBÍRALÍKOVÁ and Zuzana NEŠETŘILOVÁ. Japanese Whisky & American Whiskey Tasting Workshop. 2022.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Kulinární dědictví českých zemí: paměť, prezentace a edukace. Ministerstvo kultury ČR, 2022.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Zázvorsková MARKÉTA, Zbyněk VINŠ, Veronika VYBÍRALÍKOVÁ, Kateřina HAVELKOVÁ, Ege ILGÜZ, Jakub SLÁNSKÝ and Veronika FRAŇKOVÁ. Moët & Chandon Tasting Workshop. 2022.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Vladimír VIETORIS, Anna KUBÁTOVÁ and Zbyněk VINŠ. Pacific Swordfish or Bohemian Black Carp? Bourdieuan Classification of Tourists’ Tastes in Fish Tourism. Online. In Carvalho, J.V.d., Liberato, P., Peña, A. Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems. Singapore: SpringerLink, 2022, p. 127-137. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 284. ISBN 978-981-16-9700-5. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-9701-2_11.
SLÁNSKÝ, Jakub, Tomáš KROPÁČEK, Jan KRAJČA, Jiří ZELENÝ and Zbyněk VINŠ. Párování koktejlů a fingerfood: konferenční workshop (Pairing of Cocktails and Fingerfood: A Conference Workshop). 2022.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for Appetite Journal (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). Appetite. London: Elsevier, 2022, 2022-05-06. ISSN 0195-6663.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for Appetite Journal (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). Appetite. London: Elsevier, 2022, 2022-11-12. ISSN 0195-6663.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for Appetite Journal (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). Appetite. London: Elsevier, 2022, 2022-10-16. ISSN 0195-6663.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for Appetite Journal (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). Appetite. London: Elsevier, 2022, 2022-10-08. ISSN 0195-6663.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for Appetite Journal (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). Appetite. London: Elsevier, 2022, 2022-08-26. ISSN 0195-6663.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for Appetite Journal (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). Appetite. London: Elsevier, 2022, 2022-07-23. ISSN 0195-6663.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for Appetite Journal (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). Appetite. London: Elsevier, 2022, 2022-06-14. ISSN 0195-6663.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for Appetite Journal (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). Appetite. London: Elsevier, 2022, 2022-04-06. ISSN 0195-6663.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for The 3rd International Conference on Modern Management based on Big Data (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). The 3rd International Conference on Modern Management based on Big Data. Seoul, South Korea: MMBD2022, 2022, 3rd, 2022-03-12.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for The 4th International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). The 4th International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems. Seoul, South Korea: MLIS 2022, 2022, 4th, 2022-07-11.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for The 8th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2022) (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). The 8th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment. Xi’an, China: WRE 2022, 2022, 8th, 2022-10-26.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for The 8th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2022) (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). The 8th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment. Xi’an, China: WRE 2022, 2022, 8th, 2022-10-24.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for The 8th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2022) (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). The 8th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment. Xi’an, China: WRE 2022, 2022, 8th, 2022-10-11.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for The 8th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2022) (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). The 8th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment. Xi’an, China: WRE 2022, 2022, 8th, 2022-10-18.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for The 8th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2022) (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). The 8th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment. Xi’an, China: WRE 2022, 2022, 8th, 2022-10-03.
PETRÁNKOVÁ, Lada and Jiří ZELENÝ. Senzorické hodnocení českých tradičních regionálních moučníků (Sensory evaluation of Czech traditional regional desserts). 2022.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Specializovaný inventář pro servírování vína (Specialized Wine Serving Equipment). In předmět 3MA395 Etiketa pro manažery, Katedra podnikání, VŠE. 2022.
STUDNIČKA, Petr, Lada POPL PETRÁNKOVÁ, Darina SVOBODOVÁ, Zbyněk VINŠ and Jiří ZELENÝ. Ukrajinská kuchyně (Ukrainian Cuisine). 2022.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Úloha bitters v gastronomii (The Role of Bitters in Gastronomy). In předmět 3MA395 Etiketa pro manažery, Katedra podnikání, VŠE. 2022.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Cena ministra zemědělství za vynikající dizertační práci s přínosem pro praxi v oblasti zemědělství, lesnictví, vodního hospodářství a ochrany krajiny a přírodních zdrojů (Award of the Minister of Agriculture for excellent dissertation with contribution to practice in the field of agriculture, forestry, water management and protection of landscape and natural resources). Ministerstvo kultury ČR, 2021.
MACHÁČKOVÁ, Karolina, Jiří ZELENÝ, Jonathan OSUOHA, Jan HÁN, Irena KORBELÁŘOVÁ and Zbyněk VINŠ. Comparison of Incidence of Fairground Food and Traditional Regional Food at Czech Gastronomy Events: A Field Study. Czech Hospitality and Tourism Paper (CHTP). Prague: The Institute of Hospitality Management in Prague, 2021, vol. 17, 34/2021, p. 4-16. ISSN 1801-1535.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Conference presentation: Expectations vs. Perceptions: The Role of Consumers' Senses in Composing of USP for PDO Wines. In ICMarktech'21 – International Conference on Marketing and Technologies. 2021.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Conference presentation: Pacific Swordfish or Bohemian Black Carp? Bourdieuan Classification of Tourists' Tastes in Fish Tourism. In Inernational Conference on Tourism, Technology & Systems – ICOTTS´2021. 2021.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Conference Session Chair: ICMarktech'21 – International Conference on Marketing and Technologies, Canary Islands, Spain. 2021.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Conference Session Chair: ICOTTS'21 – International Conference on Tourism Technology and Systems, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. 2021.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Člen expertní komise pro hodnocení kuchyňských nožů (Member of the expert commission for the evaluation of kitchen knives). dTest, 2021 - 2021.
MACHÁČKOVÁ, Karolina, Roman DUDÍK, Jiří ZELENÝ, Dana KOLÁŘOVÁ, Zbyněk VINŠ and Marcel RIEDL. Forest Manners Exchange: Forest as a Place to Remedy Risky Behaviour of Adolescents: Mixed Methods Approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Basel, Švýcarsko: MDPI, 2021, vol. 18, No 11, 20 pp. ISSN 1660-4601. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18115725.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Kulturní tradice českého rybářství ve světle jejího využití v cestovním ruchu a krajinotvorbě. Ministerstvo kultury ČR, 2021.
HÁN, Jan, Martin POP, Radmila DLUHOŠOVÁ, Irena KORBELÁŘOVÁ, Karolina MACHÁČKOVÁ, Zbyněk VINŠ and Jiří ZELENÝ. Mapa kulinární kultury českých zemí (Map of Culinary Culture of the Czech Lands). 2021.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Nápojová kultura a její specifické aspekty ve vztahu k českým zemím: Role párování vín a pokrmů v české gastronomii. 2021.
MACHÁČKOVÁ, Karolina, Jiří ZELENÝ, Dana KOLÁŘOVÁ and Zbyněk VINŠ. Nature Ideas Exchange: Education of Sustainable Business Principles Based on Parallels with Forest Ecosystem. Sustainability. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI, 2021, vol. 13, No 9, p. 1-18. ISSN 2071-1050. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su13095306.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Zbyněk VINŠ and Anna ULRICHOVÁ. Párování španělských tapas s aperitivními a digestivními koktejly (The Pairing of Spanish tapas with aperitif and digestive cocktails). 2021.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Zbyněk VINŠ and Karolina MACHÁČKOVÁ. Párování zahraničních pivních speciálů s pokrmy české kuchyně (The Pairing of Foreign Beer Specials with Dishes of the Czech Cuisine). 2021.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for Appetite Journal (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). Appetite. London: Elsevier, 2021, 2021-12-08. ISSN 0195-6663.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for Appetite Journal (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). Appetite. London: Elsevier, 2021, 2021-11-12. ISSN 0195-6663.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for Appetite Journal (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). Appetite. London: Elsevier, 2021, 2021-10-06. ISSN 0195-6663.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for Appetite Journal (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). Appetite. London: Elsevier, 2021, 2021-09-30. ISSN 0195-6663.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for Appetite Journal (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). Appetite. London: Elsevier, 2021, 2021-09-05. ISSN 0195-6663.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for Applied Environmental Education and Communication Journal (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). Applied Environmental Education and Communication. United States: Taylor & Francis, 2021, 2021-12-30. ISSN 1533-015X.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Peer Review for Applied Environmental Education and Communication Journal (does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed). Applied Environmental Education and Communication. United States: Taylor & Francis, 2021, 2021-09-09. ISSN 1533-015X.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Petr STUDNIČKA and Zbyněk VINŠ. Qualitative Photo-Based Analysis of Product Innovations in Culinary Tourism: Case of Traditional Food at Czech Culinary Events. Online. In Abreu A., Liberato D., González E.A., Garcia Ojeda J.C. Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems. Singapore: SpringerLink, 2021, p. 421-433. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 209. ISBN 978-981-334-259-0. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-4260-6_36.
DLUHOŠOVÁ, Radmila, Jan HÁN, Jan KAŠPAR, Irena KORLEBÁŘOVÁ, Anna KUBÁTOVÁ, Eduard LEVÝ and Jiří ZELENÝ. Rybí kuchyně českých zemí: Kulturně-historické tradice a současné aspekty (Fish Cuisine of the Czech Lands: Cultural-historical Traditions and Contemporary Aspects). 1. vyd. Opava - Praha: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, 2021, 257 pp. ISBN 978-80-7568-463-9.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Specifika použití vinných sklenic (Specifics of the Wine Glasses Usage). In předmět 3MA395 Etiketa pro manažery, Katedra podnikání, VŠE. 2021.
MACHÁČKOVÁ, Karolina, Jiří ZELENÝ, Daniel LANG and Zbyněk VINŠ. Wild Boar Meat as a Sustainable Substitute for Pork: A Mixed Methods Approach. Sustainability (WoS). Basel, Switzerland: MDPI, 2021, vol. 13, No 5, p. 1-20, 21 pp. ISSN 2071-1050. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su13052490.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Autentická vína v gastronomii (Authentic wines in gastronomy). In předmět 3MA395 Etiketa pro manažery, Katedra podnikání, VŠE. 2020.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Cestování jinak aneb od rurálního Burgundska po aristokratické Bordeaux se sklenicí v ruce (Traveling Differently: from Rural Burgundy to the Aristocratic Bordeaux With a Glass in Hand). COT CELÝ O TURISMU. Praha: C.O.T. media, s. r. o., 2020, vol. 2020, červen, p. 52-52. ISSN 1212-4281.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Conference presentation: Qualitative Photo-Based Analysis of Product Innovations in Culinary Tourism: Case of Traditional Food at Czech Culinary Events. In Inernational Conference on Tourism, Technology & Systems – ICOTTS´2020. 2020.
MACHÁČKOVÁ, Karolina, Jiří ZELENÝ and Martin POP. Earth literacy and Deep ecology principles in innovative pedagogy context and attitudes of teachers in the postcommunist country. Psychology and Education. USA, OH: Psychology And Education, 2020, vol. 57, No 7, p. 525-530. ISSN 0033-3077. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.17762/pae.v57i7.82.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Lucie PLZÁKOVÁ, Jan HÁN and Kašpar JAN. “Pale Lager and Double Carp Fries, Please”. The McDonaldization of the Culinary Culture in the Czech Republic. Economia Agro-Alimentare / Food Economy (SCOPUS). Bologna, Italy: FrancoAngeli Edizioni, 2020, vol. 22, No 1, p. 1-26. ISSN 1126-1668. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.3280/ecag1-2020oa10067.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Potravinárstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences (Scopus) Editorial Board Membership. Potravinárstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences Editorial Board, 2020 - 2024. ISSN 1337-0960.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Zbyněk VINŠ and Karolina MACHÁČKOVÁ. Preference konzumentů vína: focus group generace Y (Wine Consumers' Preferences: Focus Group for Generation Y). 2020.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Příjezdový cestovní ruch v Austrálii se zaměřením na kongresový turismus (Inbound Tourism in Australia with a Focus on Congress Tourism). C.O.T. business. Praha: C.O.T. media, s. r. o., 2020, vol. 2020, No 11, p. 16-16.
PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Klára and Jiří ZELENÝ. Rum and its Position on the Czech Spirit Market. Czech Tourism and Hospitality Papers. Praha: The Institute of Hospitality Management in Prague, 2020, vol. 16, No 33, p. 28-37. ISSN 1801-1535.
HÁN, Jan, Zbyněk VINŠ, Karolina MACHÁČKOVÁ, Martin POP and Jiří ZELENÝ. Workshop: Tradiční kuchyně Chodska a Plzeňska (Workshop: Traditional cuisine of Chodsko and Plzeňsko). 2020.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Karolina MACHÁČKOVÁ and Zbyněk VINŠ. Can Gastronomy Make Forests and Vineyards Good Friends Forever? A Case of Sustainable Management of Game Species, Environment & Organic Wines. 2019.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Conference presentation: Attitudes of Hospitality Stakeholders towards Fishing, Fish Farming, and Fish Gastronomy in the Czech Republic. In International Food Marketing Research Symposium at the University of Sunshine Coast, Australia. 2019.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Conference presentation: Modelling the Varying Relationship Between Quality and Price of Wine. In The 13th Annual AAWE Conference 2019 in Vienna, Austria. 2019.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Conference presentation: Previous Sensory Experience and Region of Origin as a Factors Influencing Attitudes towards Traditional Foods. In International Food Marketing Research Symposium at the University of Sunshine Coast, Australia. 2019.
VINŠ, Zbyněk, Zuzana NEŠETŘILOVÁ and Jiří ZELENÝ. Degustace italských pokrmů a českých vín ve stylu filmu "Jíst, meditovat, milovat" (Tasting of Italian Dishes and Czech Wines in the Style of "Eat, Pray, Love" Film). 2019.
HLAVÁČ, Václav, Jakub ABRAHAM, Jiří ZELENÝ and Zbyněk VINŠ. Degustační workshop Herencia de Plata: párování s mexickými pokrmy (Herencia de Plata Tasting Workshop: Pairing with Mexican Dishes). 2019.
MICHAL, Veselý, Zbyněk VINŠ, Jiří ZELENÝ and Strejček DAVID. Degustační workshop Rémy Martin Cognac Fine Champagne: párování s podzimními pokrmy (Rémy Martin Cognac Fine Champagne Sensory Workshop: Pairing with Autumn Dishes). 2019.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Lucie PLZÁKOVÁ, Jan HÁN and Jan KAŠPAR. Extended abstract: Attitudes of Hospitality Stakeholders towards Fishing, Fish Farming, and Fish Gastronomy in the Czech Republic. Online. In Mark Lang. International Food Marketing Research Symposium at the University of Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. 1st. Sippy Downs: Institute of Food Products Marketing, International Forum for Food Products Marketing Research, 2019, p. 59-63, 4 pp.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Zbyněk VINŠ, Petr STUDNIČKA and Irena KORBELÁŘOVÁ. Extended abstract: Previous Sensory Experience and Region of Origin as a Factors Influencing Attitudes Towards Traditional Foods. Online. In Mark Lang. International Food Marketing Research Symposium at the University of Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. 1st. Sippy Downs: Institute of Food Products Marketing, International Forum for Food Products Marketing Research, 2019, p. 133-137.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Gastronomické workshopy na VŠH v Praze: Snoubení pokrmů s českými a moravskými víny (Gastronomic Workshops at VŠH in Prague: Pairing of Meals with Czech and Moravian Wines). In 11. ročník mezinárodní vědecké konference HTV na VŠH v Praze. 2019.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Hotelnictví, turismus a vzdělávání (HTV) 2019. 2019.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Kvalita vína jako faktor ovlivňující jeho cenu (Wine Quality as a Factor Affecting its Price). In EUE10E Jakost a zpeněžování zemědělských komodit, Katedra obchodu a financí, ČZU. 2019.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Martin FALK and Michal LOŠŤÁK. Modelling the Varying Relationship Between Quality and Price of Wine. Online. In The 13th Annual AAWE Conference 2019 in Vienna, Austria, 2019. Economics Dept, New York University, NY: AAWE, American Association of Wine Economists, 2019, 6 pp.
Pokročilý servis vína a komunikace s hostem (Advanced wine service and communication with the guest)ZELENÝ, Jiří. Pokročilý servis vína a komunikace s hostem (Advanced wine service and communication with the guest). In předmět 3MA395 Etiketa pro manažery, Katedra podnikání, VŠE. 2019.
ŽIŽKA, Emil, Jiří ZELENÝ and Zbyněk VINŠ. Possibilities of Wines and Fish Dishes Pairing: Preliminary Study. 1. vyd. Praha: The Institute of Hospitality Management In Prague, 2019, p. 127-139, 141 pp. ISBN 978-80-87411-87-2.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Postoje konzumentů k tradičním regionálním pokrmům: jsou Češi a Moravané kulinářští regionální patrioti? (Consumers' Attitudes Towards Traditional Regional Dishes: Are Czechs and Moravians Culinary Regional Patriots?). In Konference Think Together 2019 České zemědělské univerzity v Praze. 2019.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Previous Sensory Experience and Region of Origin as a Factors Influencing Attitudes Towards Traditional Foods. Institute of Food Products Marketing, International Forum for Food Products Marketing Research, 2019.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Problematika šumivých vín v gastronomii (The issue of sparkling wines in gastronomy). In předmět 3MA395 Etiketa pro manažery, Katedra podnikání, VŠE. 2019.
ZELENÝ, Jiří and Kristína BEDNÁROVÁ. Reverse Osmosis Water-Based Beverages as a Product Innovation in Gastronomic Facilities: Expert Panelists’ Sensory Evaluation and Generation Y Consumers’ Attitudes. Economia Agro-Alimentare / Food Economy (SCOPUS). Bologna, Italy: FrancoAngeli Edizioni, 2019, vol. 21, No 1, p. 49-72. ISSN 1126-1668. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.3280/ECAG2019-001004.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Ryba v centru dění aneb od gastronomie po cestovní ruch (Fish in the center of events - from gastronomy to tourism). C.O.T. business. Praha: C.O.T. media, s. r. o., 2019, vol. 2019, No 07, p. HORECA & MICE, 1 pp.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Teze disertační práce: Vinařské regiony a sociální konstruovanost kvality vína v dopadech do rozvoje venkovských lokalit (Treatise on the Disertation Thesis: Wine regions and social construction of wine quality in the impacts on development of rural localities). Praha: Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, Provozně ekonomická fakulta, Katedra humanitních věd, 2019, 68 pp.
ZIMÁKOVÁ, Blanka, Zbyněk VINŠ, Jiří ZELENÝ and Karolina MACHÁČKOVÁ. Tradiční česká kuchyně: HTV workshop. 2019.
VINŠ, Zbyněk, Karolina MACHÁČKOVÁ and Jiří ZELENÝ. Traditions and Regional Food as a Part of Czech Identity. 2019.
VINŠ, Zbyněk and Jiří ZELENÝ. Beverages & Food Pairing Worskhop for Students of Erasmus Programme. 2018.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Cena děkana za nejlepší publikační výstupy doktorandů PEF za rok 2017. Provozně ekonomická fakulta: Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, 2018.
ZELENÝ, Jiří and Irena ZELENÁ. Comparison of Competitiveness of Czech and Foreign Wine Regions Considering the Price and Quality of Wine. Czech Tourism and Hospitality Papers. Praha: The Institute of Hospitality Management in Prague, 2018, vol. 13, No 29, p. 3-22. ISSN 1801-1535.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Conference presentation: The Use of Technological Devices for Water Adjustment as a Product Innovation in Gastronomic Facilities. In International Food Marketing Research Symposium at the University of Bournemouth, United Kingdom. 2018.
VINŠ, Zbyněk, Jiří ZELENÝ and Blanka ZIMÁKOVÁ. Češi a Moravané: jsme kulinářští regionální patrioti? (Czechs and Moravians: Are We Culinary Regional Patriots?). 2018.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Degustation as an Example of Participative Students’ Involvement in Beverage Gastronomy Teaching. In SA&RuD EU Project ERASMUS+ Conference at Buryat SAA. 2018.
VINŠ, Zbyněk, Jiří ZELENÝ and Jan HÁN. Dokumentace kulinární kultury a budování kulinárního korpusu na VŠH (Documentation of Culinary Culture and Building a Culinary Corpus at VŠH). 2018.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Enogastronomie a její sociální kontext (Wine & Food Pairing and its Social Context). In předmět 3MA395 Etiketa pro manažery, Katedra podnikání, VŠE. 2018.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Etiketa nápojové gastronomie (Etiquette of Beverage Gastronomy). In předmět 3MA395 Etiketa pro manažery, Katedra podnikání, VŠE. 2018.
BEDNÁROVÁ, Kristína and Jiří ZELENÝ. Extended abstract: The Use of Technological Devices for Water Adjustment as a Product Innovation in Gastronomic Facilities. In International Food Marketing Research Symposium at the University of Bournemouth, United Kingdom. 2018.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Dana KOLÁŘOVÁ and Zbyněk VINŠ. Influence of Paradigm Shifts in Agriculture on Wine Production and Development of Wine Regions: Review Study. Online. In Radka Balakovská. Sborník mezinárodní vědecké konference Hotelnictví, turismus a vzdělávání. 1. vyd. Praha: Vysoká škola hotelová v Praze, 2018, p. 187-197. ISBN 978-80-87411-93-3.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Konferenční přednáška na téma A Relationship Between Price and Quality Rating of Wines from the Czech Republic. In Konference Think Together 2018 České zemědělské univerzity v Praze. 2018.
ZELENÝ, Jiří and Barbora DVORNÍKOVÁ. Nově vznikající sdružení vinařů – sociální sítě utvářející regionální identitu nebo marketingový nástroj? Příklad „VOC Znojmo“ v České republice (Newly Emerging Clusters of Winemakers – Social Networks Creating Regional Identity or Marketing Tool? Example of “VOC Znojmo” in the Czech Republic). In Konference Think Together 2018 České zemědělské univerzity v Praze. 2018.
GORETI, Botelho, Zbyněk VINŠ and Jiří ZELENÝ. Pairing of Portuguese Wines with Dishes of Czech Cuisine. 2018.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Reviewer of the Issue 30/2018 of Czech Hospitality and Tourism Papers. Czech Hospitality and Tourism Papers. Praha: The Institute of Hospitality Management in Prague, 2018, vol. 14, No 30, 12 pp. ISSN 1801-1535.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (SARUD): Erasmus+ KA2 project. Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, 2018.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Theory and tasting of Czech beers and liqueurs in Portugal. In Food Technology course of the 3rd semester’s Cookery and Food Production Program held at ESHTE, Estoril, Portugal. 2018.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. A Relationship Between Price and Quality Rating of Wines from the Czech Republic. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing (SCOPUS). Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 2017, vol. 29, No 2, p. 109-119. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08974438.2016.1266568.
ZELENÝ, Jiří and Avramopulu MARCELA. Člen expertní komise pro hodnocení horkých čokolád (Member of the expert committee for the evaluation of hot chocolate). Černé ovce - Česká televize, 2017 - 2017.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Člen expertní komise pro hodnocení kolových nápojů (Member of the expert committee for the evaluation of cola beverages). MF Dnes, MAFRA a.s., 2017 - 2017.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Možnosti párování sezónních českých pokrmů s víny z českých a moravských vinařských regionů s využitím metody Body Deviation-from-Match (Possibilities of pairing seasonal Czech dishes with wines from Czech and Moravian wine regions using the Body Deviation-from-Match method). Vysoká škola hotelová v Praze, 2017.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Zbyněk VINŠ and Blanka ZIMÁKOVÁ. Párování velikonočních pokrmů české kuchyně s víny z českých a moravských vinařských podoblastí (Easter Dishes of Czech Cuisine with Wines from the Czech and Moravian Wine Regions). 2017.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Porovnání konkurenceschopnosti českých a zahraničních vinařských regionů s ohledem na cenu a kvalitu vín: pilotní studie (Comparison of competitiveness of Czech and foreign wine regions considering the price and quality of wines: a preliminary study). In Konference Think Together 2017 České zemědělské univerzity v Praze. 2017.
ZELENÝ, Jiří and Zbyněk VINŠ. Ryba, kultura a kulinářství – vztah k lokálním komunitám a potenciál regionálního rozvoje: přehledová studie (Fish, Culture and Culinary Art – Relation to Local Communities and Potential for Regional Development: Review Study). In Radka Balakovská. Sborník mezinárodní vědecké konference Hotelnictví, turismus a vzdělávání. Praha: Vysoká škola hotelová v Praze 8, spol. s r.o., 2017, p. 204-213, 9 pp. ISBN 978-80-87411-99-5.
ZELENÝ, Jiří and Zbyněk VINŠ. Senzorické hodnocení pokrmů a nápojů dle zahraničních standardů s využitím metody Body Deviation-from-Match. 2017.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Zbyněk VINŠ and Dominika KEČKEŠOVÁ. Snoubení rybích pokrmů s víny z moravských vinařských podoblastí (Pairing of Fish Dishes with Wines from Moravian Wine Regions). 2017.
ZIMÁKOVÁ, Blanka, Jiří ZELENÝ and Zbyněk VINŠ. Snoubení zahraničních vánočních pokrmů s českými víny (Pairing of Foreign Christmas Dishes with Czech Wines). 2017.
VINŠ, Zbyněk, Jiří ZELENÝ and Dana KOLÁŘOVÁ. The Preference of Professionals Working in Gastronomy Field with regard to the Impact of Biosocial Factors: Sensory Evaluation of Traditional Czech Pickled Sausage „Utopenci“. Czech Tourism and Hospitality Papers. Praha: The Institute of Hospitality Management in Prague, 2017, vol. 13, No 28, p. 28-45. ISSN 1801-1535.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Víno, etiketa a společnost (Wine, Etiquette and Society). In předmět 3MA395 Etiketa pro manažery, Katedra podnikání, VŠE. 2017.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Víno jako kulturní artefakt (Wine as a cultural artifact). In předmět 3MA395 Etiketa pro manažery, Katedra podnikání, VŠE. 2017.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Conference Presentation: A Relationship Between Price and Quality Rating of Wines from the Czech Republic. In International Food Marketing Research Symposium Conference at Alma Mater Studiorum Universita di Bologna. 2016.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Enoturismus - významná forma cestovního ruchu (Enotourism - important form of tourism). C.O.T. business. Praha: C.O.T. media, s. r. o., 2016, vol. 2016, červenec/srpen, p. 9.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Extended abstract: Relationship between Price and Quality Rating of Wines from the Czech Republic. In International Food Marketing Research Symposium, Bologna, Italy. 2016.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Historický seminář „Gastronomie doby Karla IV.“ (Historical Seminar "Gastronomy in the Time of Charles IV."). In Odkaz Karla IV. v ekonomicko-kulturním kontextu, Katedra arts managementu, VŠE. 2016.
VINŠ, Zbyněk and Jiří ZELENÝ. Hodnocení uzenářských výrobků (Evaluation of Sausages). 2016.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Hotelnictví, turismus a vzdělávání (HTV) 2016. 2016.
ZELENÝ, Jiří, Zbyněk VINŠ and Jan HÁN. Párování podzimních pokrmů české kuchyně s víny z českých a moravských vinařských podoblastí (Autumn Dishes of Czech Cuisine with Wines from the Czech and Moravian Wine Regions). 2016.
ZELENÝ, Jiří and Anna KUBÁTOVÁ. Párování steaků z mas exotických druhů kopytníků s víny z odrůd révy vinné pěstovaných v českých a moravských vinařských regionech (Pairing of Stakes Prepared from Meat of Exotic Ungulate Species with Wines from Vitis Vinifera Grape Varieties Grown in Czech and Moravian Wine Regions). In Radka Balakovská. Sborník mezinárodní vědecké konference Hotelnictví, turismus a vzdělávání. Praha: Vysoká škola hotelová v Praze 8, spol. s r.o., 2016, p. 280-297. ISBN 978-80-87411-75-9.
VINŠ, Zbyněk, Jiří ZELENÝ and Blanka ZIMÁKOVÁ. Párování vánočních pokrmů české kuchyně s víny z českých a moravských vinařských podoblastí (Christmas Dishes of Czech Cuisine with Wines from the Czech and Moravian Wine Regions). 2016.
VINŠ, Zbyněk and Jiří ZELENÝ. Přednáška na téma Vliv kuchyňské technologie na senzorické vlastnosti zapečených těstovinových pokrmů (Lecture on the topic Effect of Kitchen Technology on Sensory Charasterictics of Gratinated Pasta Dishes). In Hygiena a technologie potravin XLVI. Lenfeldovy a Höklovy. 2016.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Sharing Practices from Wine & Spirit Competitions – Autobiographical Article. Online. In Tuuli Mirola. Sharing Practices - This is My Story, What is Yours? Saimaa Un. of Applied Sciences, Finland: Saimaan ammattikorkeakoulu, 2016, p. 148-154. ISBN 978-952-7055-34-2.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Theory and tasting of Czech beers and wines in Finland. In International Week, Saimaa University of Applied Sciences, Finland. 2016.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Vinařské regiony a sociální konstruovanost kvality vína v dopadech do rozvoje venkovských lokalit (Wine regions and social construction of wine quality in the impacts on development of rural localities). In Konference Think Together 2016 České zemědělské univerzity v Praze. 2016.
VINŠ, Zbyněk and Jiří ZELENÝ. Vliv kuchyňské technologie na senzorické vlastnosti zapečených těstovinových pokrmů (Effect of Kitchen Technology on Sensory Charasterictics of Gratinated Pasta Dishes). In Bohuslava Tremlová. Hygiena a technologie potravin XLVI. Lenfeldovy a Höklovy dny. první. Brno: Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita Brno, 2016, p. 56-63. ISBN 978-80-7305-782-4.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Jaké složky vína jsou vnímány odlišně při rozdílné servírovací teplotě? (Which Components of Wine are Percieved Differently with Changing Serving Temperature?). In Radka Balakovská. Sborník mezinárodní vědecké konference Hotelnictví, turismus a vzdělávání. Praha: Vysoká škola hotelová v Praze 8, spol. s r.o., 2015, p. 256-268. ISBN 978-80-87411-70-4.
ZELENÝ, Jiří. Návrh použití vhodných typů sklenic při servisu alkoholických i nealkoholických nápojů (Proposal for the use of suitable types of glasses in the service of alcoholic and soft drinks). Vysoká škola hotelová v Praze, 2015.
ZELENÝ, Jiří and Dušková ŠÁRKA. Vína z Gruzie (Wines from Georgia). Vínorevue. Roztoky u Prahy: Jindřich Dušek - SIGNUM, 2013, XII., No 99, p. 82-84. ISSN 1214-2689.
Displayed: 24/3/2025 06:06